WIPWeld 316 (AWS E316-16)
A rutile type electrode giving austenitic, acid resistance weld metal containing approximately 18% Cr, 8% Ni and 3% Mo. The striking and re-striking of the electrode is remarkably easy. It welds with a smooth and stable arc which gives it a finely rippled bead, free of porosity and excellent appearance. The slag is easy detachable.
Applications and Directions
Recommended for welding of austenitic acid-resistant steel such as AISI 316. SIS 2343, etc. Also suitable for repair and fabrication of textile and dyeing equipment, papermill tanks, chemical tanks, pickling tanks, salt processing equipment, alkali tanks, etc.

Prepare and fit the work carefully, cleaning the joint of all foreign material. Use DC+ or AC current with minimum open circuit voltage of 70 volts. Proceed with the lowest current possible and a short arc without allowing the coating to touch the molten pool. Short and intermittent welding should be preferred to avoid overheating and distortion. Avoid excessive weaving. The electrode should be coated. discard exposed core wire. Use only dry electrode to prevent blowholes in deposit. If necessary, re-dry at 250 degrees celsius 2 hours before use.