We manufacture a wide range of flux coated welding electrodes for various applications. Click on a category to explore.
- ▸ Aluminum Electrodes
- ▸ Bronze and Bronze Alloy
- ▸ Cast Iron Electrodes
- ▸ Cutting and Chamfering Rods
- ▸ Hardsurfacing Electrodes
- ▮ Low Hydrogen and Low Alloy Electrodes
- ▸ Mild Steel Electrodes
- ▸ Stainless Steel Electrodes
- ▸ Submerged Arc Wires and Fluxes
- ▸ TIG Filler Wires
- WIPWeld 16 (AWS E7016)
- WIPWeld Premier (AWS E7016-1)
- WIPWeld 18 (AWS E7018)
- WIPWeld Superflex (AWS E7018-1)
- ▮ WIPWeld 10 Mo (AWS E7010-A1)
- WIPWeld TenaCord 70Mo (AWS E7018-A1)
- WIPWeld Chromol (AWS E8015-B6)
- WIPWeld E8018-G (AWS E8018-G)
- WIPWeld E8018-B2 (AWS E8018-B2)
- WIPWeld E8018-C1 (AWS E8018-C1)
- WIPWeld E8018-C3 (AWS E8018-C3)
- WIPWeld CrMO (AWS - E9018-B3)
- WIPWeld TenaCord 110 (AWS - E11018-G)
A molybdenum-alloyed steel cellulosic electrode for filling layers in pipe joints. The forceful arc is sufficient to expel any remaining slag residue adherent to the previous layer. Deposits regularly rippled seams in the vertical down position. Produces little slag and exhibits relatively easy deslagging.
For welding mild steel types, St. 35, ST. 35.4, St. 45, St.45.4, and steels of API standard 5 LX, X 42, X 46, and X 52
Use DC reverse polarity (DC+) current. Maintain a short to medium arc. Hold perpendicular to the work surface and slightly incline in the direction of travel, keeping size of the molten pool small. Do not allow coating to touch pool. Clean each bead thoroughly before applying the next. Vertical welding can be done starting from the top or the bottom as the work requires. In overhead welding, best results are obtained by the multiple bead method.
Cellulosic DC+
3.2 / 1/8
4.0 / 5/32
5.0 / 3/16
C 0.08 | Mn 0.30 | Si 0.10 | S 0.01 | P 0.01 | Mo 0.43