We manufacture a wide range of flux coated welding electrodes for various applications. Click on a category to explore.
- ▸ Aluminum Electrodes
- ▸ Bronze and Bronze Alloy
- ▸ Cast Iron Electrodes
- ▸ Cutting and Chamfering Rods
- ▸ Hardsurfacing Electrodes
- ▸ Low Hydrogen and Low Alloy Electrodes
- ▮ Mild Steel Electrodes
- ▸ Stainless Steel Electrodes
- ▸ Submerged Arc Wires and Fluxes
- ▸ TIG Filler Wires
- WIPWeld 10 (AWS E6010)
- WIPWeld 11 (AWS E6011)
- WIPWeld 1100 (AWS E6011)
- WIPWeld 12 (AWS E6012)
- WIPWeld 1200 (AWS E6012)
- WIPWeld FerroCord (AWS E6012)
- WIPWeld GenCord (AWS E6013)
- ▮ WIPWeld 1300 (AWS E6013)
- WIPWeld WipCord (AWS E6013)
- WIPStar (AWS E6013)
- WIPWeld FlexCord 19 (AWS E6019)
- WIPWeld 24 SpeedCord (AWS E7024)
- WIPWeld GalvaCord
- WIPweld Cellofil (AWS E6010)
The most economical all-position welding electrode among the E6013 series. An easy-to-use electrode with high metal recovery. The electrode is remarkably easy to manipulate in all positions, easy to strike and re-strike and is ideal for short welds. The weld bead is regularly smooth and the slag is easily detachable. Fillets are concave to flat with no signs of undercutting.
Use either AC or DC both polarities. Maintain a short to medium arc holding the electrode perpendicular to the workpiece but inclined not more than 15 degrees from the vertical in the direction of travel. For best performance, joints should be free of rust, dirt, oil or grease. Vertical-up welding is preferred for sizes 3.25mm or bigger but 2.5mm may be used for vertical-downs welding.
For light steel construction such as that of window frames, iron grills and fences, wrought iron furniture, ornamental iron works, water tanks, jeep bodies, etc; for repair and maintenance of mild steel machinery and equipment farm tools, etc. Also recommended for welding structures in thin and medium thick plates.
AC or DC (both polarities)
2.5 / 3/32
3.2 / 1/8
4.0 / 5/32
5.0 / 3/16
C 0.10 | Mn 0.24 | Si 0.19