We manufacture a wide range of flux coated welding electrodes for various applications. Click on a category to explore.
- ▸ Aluminum Electrodes
- ▸ Bronze and Bronze Alloy
- ▸ Cast Iron Electrodes
- ▸ Cutting and Chamfering Rods
- ▮ Hardsurfacing Electrodes
- ▸ Low Hydrogen and Low Alloy Electrodes
- ▸ Mild Steel Electrodes
- ▸ Stainless Steel Electrodes
- ▸ Submerged Arc Wires and Fluxes
- ▸ TIG Filler Wires
- WIPWeld Abrasur 260
- WIPWeld Abrasur 280LH
- WIPWeld Abrasur 380
- WIPWeld Abrasur 400LH
- WIPWeld Abrasur 610
- WIPWeld Abrasur 610LH
- WIPWeld Abrasur 716
- WIPWeld Abrasur 43
- WIPWeld Abrasur 45
- WIPWeld Abrasur 650LH
- WIPWeld Abrasur 750LH
- WIPWeld RailRod
- WIPWeld ManganSteel
- WIPWeld Ni-ManganSteel
- ▮ WIPWeld SugarWeld 90
- WIPWeld MangaChrom (AWS A5-4 similar to E307-16)
A specially formulated hard-surfacing welding electrode specially for sugar mill machinery and allied equipment. The electrode is iron based alloy with manganese, chromium and carbon. Most ideal for rebuilding of sugar cane mill rolls and other wearing parts of sugar mill equipment. Excellent for high impact and high temperature applications under corrosive medium. The electrode deposits hard alloy under ionic arc transference which turns the teeth of the mill rolls to a high wear resistance protuberances, protecting the mill rolls against heavy abrasive wear by the cane during milling. This process increases sugar production up to 50% and reduces wear up to 300%.
Sugarweld 90 is a unique electrode that can be welded even if the mill rolls are in motion. The electrode keeps depositing in the presence of sugarcane juice and baggase. For heavy worn-out surfaces, apply a buffer layer of Wipweld 16.
C 3.04 | Mn 2.14 | Si 1.37 | Cr 25.78
56-58 HRC
58-60 HRC
4.0 / 5/32
170 for dry surface; 190-200 for wet surface
AC or DC+
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Abrasur 610
Abrasur 610LH
Abrasur 43
Abrasur 45
Abrasur 750LH
Abrasur 716Medium
Abrasur 380
Abrasur 280LH
Abrasur 400 LH
Ni-MangansteelBuild up with WIPWeld Mangansteel or WIPWeld Ni-Mangansteel and apply top layer/s Abrasur 610, Abrasur 610LH Abrasur 43, Abrasur 45, Abrasur 750LH, Abrasur 716
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Metal-to-metal wear or rolling frictionWipweld Railrod, Abrasur 280LH, Abrasur 380, Abrasur 400LHAbrasion and corrosion resistanceWipweld Mangachrom or high-temperature Wipweld 312 (please refer to Stainless Steel category for technical specs)Hard machinable depositAbrasur 260, Wipweld MangachromManufacture and maintenance of tools (turning or planing tools, milling cutters, reamer bits, etc)Abrasur 650LHSugarcane mill rolls, cane knives, and other parts of sugar mill equipmentWipweld Sugarweld 90